Smith chart for Touchstone files by gnuplot
Touchstone S1p files include columns of complex S11 values,
while Smith Chart wants normalized complex impedance values.
For alternating current circuits, including RF, phase and magnitude are both important.
No power is consumed when potential across a load is sine and current thru it is cosine.
Complex arithmatic accounts for that.
To minimize getting too wrapped around an axle
by complex real with square root of minus one times imaginary,
let us instead focus on sin S and cos C.
Normalized impedance Zin is defined for S1p value S11:
Zin = (1 + S11)/(1 - S11)
... where S11 is some complex value S + C:
Zin = (1 + (S + C))/(1 - (S + C)) = ((1+S) + C)/((1-S) - C)
For next steps, accept that:
- division by so-called complex
sin + cos
multiplication by so-called complex conjugate sin - cos
- so-called imaginary
become real negative values:
(sin + cos)*(sin - cos) = sin*sin + cos*cos
This is known as squared magnitude.
Applying complex conjugate to calculate impedance from S11
and substituting sin
= (1-S) and cos
= C:
Zin = ((1+S) + C)*((1-S) + C) / ((1-S)*(1-S) + C*C)
Calculate denominator D magnitude:
D = ((1-S)*(1-S) + C*C) = 1 - 2*S + S*S + C*C
Collect numerator terms with single C factors separately from those without:
Zin = (((1+S)*(1-S) - C*C) + C*((1-S) + (1+S)))/D
    = (1 - S*S - C*C)/D + 2*C/D
gnuplot is very mature plotting software that interprets algebra,
for which I have nearly always used it instead of Excel.
Touchstone files turn out to be compatible with gnuplot data format..
In gnuplot:
set xlabel "real"
set ylabel "imaginary"
set title "file.s1p"
# denominator magnitude
D(S,C) = 1 - 2*S + S*S + C*C
# real and imaginary impedances
Zr(S,C) = (1 - S*S - C*C)/D(S,C)
Zi(S,C) = 2*C/D(S,C)
# Using second and third column values for S and C,
# plot imaginary vs real as Y vs X with lines
plot "file.s1p" u (S=$2, C=$3, Zr(S,C)):(S=$2, C=$3, Zi(S,C)) w l title "S11 Smith"
#for s2p files, plot both S11 and S21:
set title "file.s2p"
plot "file.s2p" u (S=$2, C=$3, Zr(S,C)):(S=$2, C=$3, Zi(S,C)) w l title "S11 Smith"
replot "file.s2p" u (S=$4, C=$5, Zr(S,C)):(S=$2, C=$3, Zi(S,C)) w l title "S21 Smith"
S-Parameters and Smith Charts - Nick Gamroth, Oct 2004